The Age

“Saddled with anxiety: how Horses for Hope is helping damaged equines and people heal one another”

The horse comes into the ring, name of Brooklyn, her head up, ears back; the ordinary horse signs of being on guard, ready to run. Her flight instincts are finely triggered here because Brooklyn was damaged early on, in a truck accident on the road to market, which left her prone to anxiety in the company of people.

She sees the boy on the other side of the ring, Cooper Daniels. He's got his own problems, frustrations he was born with, a bane that only of late he's come to recognise as an impediment to happiness, to fitting in. Autism with attention deficit disorder: not the makings of a horse whisperer.

Link to full article here


Globetrotting Australia “Horses For Hope - Therapy that goes both ways”


Equestrian Life Magazine